What Are The Benefits of Play Therapy?

  • Children experience a therapeutic relationship with the play therapist; the play therapist provides an environment for the child that encourages healthy growth and development, improves self-esteem, allows self-expression, facilitates problem-solving, and supports the development of self-control
  • Children learn self-control by making appropriate choices and decisions for themselves, thus taking responsibility for their own actions
  • Children become more self-aware; they learn to identify their thoughts and feelings; they begin to discover and understand themselves, which leads to the formation of a healthy self-concept
  • Children develop empathy and begin to understand and respect the thoughts and feelings of others
  • Children learn healthier ways of interacting with others and better ways of coping with difficult situations
  • Children learn to correct their misunderstandings and develop more realistic ways of thinking
  • Through their child’s self-expression in play, parents are better able to understand their child; this leads to adults being able to support their children more effectively